177 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for dongalino


Thu 25th Mar 16:41
Gear Wars: Episode I rated  Poor
Missing a crucial element of the original WF board. It is too easy for the first player to attack from falcon to Darth and then to Red4 the second ship from the Exhaust Port. Then to simply walk in on the port. The game is over after turn number one. Granted if player #1 has moderately bad luck he will fail but with average luck Player one wins the game in one turn. Either Red4 and Red5 need more neutrals (7 on Red4 and 10 on Red5) to start the game or Darth should not be able to attack the trench any further up then Red3 or even Red2. This would hinder the decision for player #1 to "go for it" on turn #1 and would add a lot more strategy to this map. The WF map is a bit more balanced. I've got to give it a poor rating since I'm sure I can win from position #1 80-90%. As long as I can avoid bad luck. I can say that this map it GREAT fun, when it is more balanced and would definitely get a 8+ star rating with a minor change.
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